About Pravo-300 International rating
Pravo-300 International rating is а large-scale research of international law firms.
Pravo-300 International rating aims to create a map of legal consulting, present the best practices to Russian and international clients and also help law firms to find reliable partners for joint project support.
Pravo-300 International rating will focus on the legal markets of all countries.
Pravo-300 International rating differs from its foreign counterparts by the research depth, wider coverage of legal practices and the high level of confidentiality.
The research is conducted in the following law practice areas:
- Antimonopoly regulation
- CEP/Infrastructure projects
- Intellectual property (including disputes)
- Corporate law/M&A
- Commercial real estate/Construction
- Taxation (including disputes)
- Natural Resources/Energy
- Dispute Resolution
- Dispute Resolution: Economic Crimes
- Restructuring and bankruptcy
- Capital markets
- Customs law/Foreign trade regulation
- IT/Telecom/Digital Technologies
- Labor law (including disputes)
- Pharmaceuticals and healthcare
- Financial/Banking law
- Private equity
- Legal support for business, general legal issues
Each company selects a legal practice area to participate in the ranking according to its specialization and the largest number of projects implemented in certain practice area.
The rating methodology is based on an assessment of the law firms’ project experience, as well as on client feedback on the quality, level of service and the ratio of cost and quality of legal services.
For 12 years, Pravo-300 research team has been composing Pravo-300 Russian law firm rating, which enjoys a high reputation both in Russia and abroad. Leading Russian and international companies note the importance of the rating for the market and business. Pravo.ru has significant research experience and knowledge of the legal business, a unique methodology for evaluating law firm projects, the quality level of the legal services provided. The project is continuously developing.
Terms of participationWho can take part in the rating? Any law firm registered and operating in the territories of any country other than the Russian Federation, can become a participant of Pravo.ru International rating.
Law firms which would like to take part in the research should send a request to the organizers at international.top300@pravo.ru, in the subject line it should be indicated “Pravo.ru - International”. The organizers of the rating will be happy to provide information on the procedure of participation in the rating.
The research structure The research is based on the law practices and consists of an assessment of the law firm project experience and cliental reviews. Practice area is considered to have taken place if there is a quorum - at least 5 law firms have applied for participation.
Pravo.ru does not request from law firms any data on revenue or other financial and statistical information of a confidential nature.
Confidentiality If the information provided by a law firm is strictly confidential, the organizers of the rating are ready to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with the firm. The publication of any information about the projects and clients of law firms in the final reports or articles related to the rating is not supposed. Exceptions can be made only when the law firm mentions the project on its own when communicating with the journalist.
Terms of the Rating The rating starts on June 14, 2022
Deadline for providing the research forms and clients contacts: August 31, 2022
The clients survey will be carried out by e-mail in the period: September 2022
Award ceremony/publication of the rating results - December 2, 2022
The awards ceremony for the leaders of the rating will take place on December 2, 2022 in Moscow, Russia
The procedure for submitting information to the rating: The law firm fills out a research form and clients contacts table for the feedback.
The firm can select a research form for providing the information in Russian or in English.
Completed research forms and a clients’ table should be sent at international.top300@pravo.ru. In the subject line please indicate “Pravo-300 International”.
To participate in the rating, law firms need to submit at least 5 projects and no more than 10 cliental contacts to receive feedback on each selected practice.
The submission rules:- The rating is based on an assessment of the lawyers’ project work and cliental reviews.
- Each firm can provide at least 5 of the most significant projects for each practice area, on the grounds of which the results will be assessed.
- If the law firm has submitted more than 5 projects, only the first 5 projects indicated in the research form will be accepted, other projects will not be considered. If the firm has the most interesting and large projects, in addition to the 5 projects that are requested to participate in the rating, the firm can additionally indicate them in the “practice information” section.
- In court cases, only those projects are accepted for which at least one instance has been completed at the time the research form is filed.
- For transactions and consulting projects, the firm can submit information on both completed and ongoing projects.
- Each project can be submitted for one area and is only counted once in the research. If the project was complex, it can be submitted to several practices, but in this case its description and scope of legal services should be different.
- The rating in each practice area is considered to have taken place only if 5 or more firms have applied for participation.
- All projects are uploaded to a database for evaluation and comparative analysis; we cannot add separately projects of any company after the deadline.
The research methodologyCliental survey: - Each law firm should provide at least 5, but not more than 10 clients contacts for each practice area to conduct a survey.
- The survey takes into account clients feedback received by e-mail. In some cases, the editors reserve the right to call the client's representatives and clarify the information received
- The clients evaluate:
- Quality of legal services provided
- Quality of lawyers’ service
- Quality-price ratio
Survey of legal market participants - Pravo.ru can contact the leading law firms in the research countries to get feedback on the legal market in the region.
- Each law firm can provide feedback about the legal market and its leading players in the corresponding section of the research, as well as comment on its market position regarding competitors.
What is taken into account in the rating when evaluating a project: - Financial indicator - the value of the transaction, court project (including justification of the project value).
- Publicity, resonance of the case, the project (press coverage).
- Winning a case in court (or if the parties have reached a settlement).
- Project complexity level.
- Importance of the project for the client’s business.
- International element and the presence of several jurisdictions in the project.
- Complexity of the project - participation of several practices in the work on the project.
- Innovativeness of the project (new legal regulation, new practice, new approach proposed, first project of this kind).
- Achievements of practice.
The achievements of practice include: - Development of new practice areas.
- Practice specialty, unique competencies.
- Industry coverage.
- Expansion of practice.
- Prominent lawyers who have joined the team.
- Key clients of the practice.
- New, significant clients who applied during the rating period.
- Precedent setting, large-scale projects.
- Variety of project work.
- Participation in legislative work.
- Awards and nominations, etc.
The firm’s score in a rating can be reduced on the following grounds: - Appropriation of a project or achievement of a project result of another company.
- Invalid/wrong project information:
- The value of the dispute / project is overestimated.
- The transaction value is overestimated.
- The result of the project is falsified.
- The project did not take place but is included in the research form.
- All projects were completed for one client.
- There is no description of specific services in the frame of the project (it is not clear what the lawyers did).
- Project result was not specified.
- There is no cliental feedback.
- We have received negative cliental feedback.
Any law firm registered and operating in the territories of any country other than the Russian Federation, can become a participant of Pravo.ru International rating.
Law firms which would like to take part in the research should send a request to the organizers at international.top300@pravo.ru, in the subject line it should be indicated “Pravo.ru - International”. The organizers of the rating will be happy to provide information on the procedure of participation in the rating.
The research is based on the law practices and consists of an assessment of the law firm project experience and cliental reviews. Practice area is considered to have taken place if there is a quorum - at least 5 law firms have applied for participation.
Pravo.ru does not request from law firms any data on revenue or other financial and statistical information of a confidential nature.
If the information provided by a law firm is strictly confidential, the organizers of the rating are ready to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with the firm. The publication of any information about the projects and clients of law firms in the final reports or articles related to the rating is not supposed. Exceptions can be made only when the law firm mentions the project on its own when communicating with the journalist.
The rating starts on June 14, 2022
Deadline for providing the research forms and clients contacts: August 31, 2022
The clients survey will be carried out by e-mail in the period: September 2022
Award ceremony/publication of the rating results - December 2, 2022
The awards ceremony for the leaders of the rating will take place on December 2, 2022 in Moscow, Russia
The law firm fills out a research form and clients contacts table for the feedback.
The firm can select a research form for providing the information in Russian or in English.
Completed research forms and a clients’ table should be sent at international.top300@pravo.ru. In the subject line please indicate “Pravo-300 International”.
To participate in the rating, law firms need to submit at least 5 projects and no more than 10 cliental contacts to receive feedback on each selected practice.
The submission rules:- The rating is based on an assessment of the lawyers’ project work and cliental reviews.
- Each firm can provide at least 5 of the most significant projects for each practice area, on the grounds of which the results will be assessed.
- If the law firm has submitted more than 5 projects, only the first 5 projects indicated in the research form will be accepted, other projects will not be considered. If the firm has the most interesting and large projects, in addition to the 5 projects that are requested to participate in the rating, the firm can additionally indicate them in the “practice information” section.
- In court cases, only those projects are accepted for which at least one instance has been completed at the time the research form is filed.
- For transactions and consulting projects, the firm can submit information on both completed and ongoing projects.
- Each project can be submitted for one area and is only counted once in the research. If the project was complex, it can be submitted to several practices, but in this case its description and scope of legal services should be different.
- The rating in each practice area is considered to have taken place only if 5 or more firms have applied for participation.
- All projects are uploaded to a database for evaluation and comparative analysis; we cannot add separately projects of any company after the deadline.
The research methodologyCliental survey: - Each law firm should provide at least 5, but not more than 10 clients contacts for each practice area to conduct a survey.
- The survey takes into account clients feedback received by e-mail. In some cases, the editors reserve the right to call the client's representatives and clarify the information received
- The clients evaluate:
- Quality of legal services provided
- Quality of lawyers’ service
- Quality-price ratio
Survey of legal market participants - Pravo.ru can contact the leading law firms in the research countries to get feedback on the legal market in the region.
- Each law firm can provide feedback about the legal market and its leading players in the corresponding section of the research, as well as comment on its market position regarding competitors.
What is taken into account in the rating when evaluating a project: - Financial indicator - the value of the transaction, court project (including justification of the project value).
- Publicity, resonance of the case, the project (press coverage).
- Winning a case in court (or if the parties have reached a settlement).
- Project complexity level.
- Importance of the project for the client’s business.
- International element and the presence of several jurisdictions in the project.
- Complexity of the project - participation of several practices in the work on the project.
- Innovativeness of the project (new legal regulation, new practice, new approach proposed, first project of this kind).
- Achievements of practice.
The achievements of practice include: - Development of new practice areas.
- Practice specialty, unique competencies.
- Industry coverage.
- Expansion of practice.
- Prominent lawyers who have joined the team.
- Key clients of the practice.
- New, significant clients who applied during the rating period.
- Precedent setting, large-scale projects.
- Variety of project work.
- Participation in legislative work.
- Awards and nominations, etc.
The firm’s score in a rating can be reduced on the following grounds: - Appropriation of a project or achievement of a project result of another company.
- Invalid/wrong project information:
- The value of the dispute / project is overestimated.
- The transaction value is overestimated.
- The result of the project is falsified.
- The project did not take place but is included in the research form.
- All projects were completed for one client.
- There is no description of specific services in the frame of the project (it is not clear what the lawyers did).
- Project result was not specified.
- There is no cliental feedback.
- We have received negative cliental feedback.
- Quality of legal services provided
- Quality of lawyers’ service
- Quality-price ratio
- The value of the dispute / project is overestimated.
- The transaction value is overestimated.
- The result of the project is falsified.
- The project did not take place but is included in the research form.